
With its rich tapestry of ecosystems and remarkable biodiversity, Kenya proudly boasts a roster of more than 1,000 bird species. From the majestic and iconic flamingos gracing its shores to the captivating collection of endemics and range-restricted treasures, Kenya offers a haven for birding enthusiasts. Among these remarkable avian inhabitants are the elusive Taita Thrush, the elegant Masked Lark, and the resplendent Golden-winged Sunbirds. Kenya’s diverse habitats paint a vivid canvas for birders to explore. From the verdant forests of Kakamega to the rugged expanses of Samburu, each corner of this country presents an extraordinary opportunity to witness avian wonders in their natural habitats.

Our Grand Endemic hunt is a meticulously curated expedition, carefully designed to unveil Kenya’s best-kept secrets and elusive specialties. The journey will take us on a captivating odyssey from the enchanting eastern coastal sites to the expansive east African grasslands. We’ll ascend to the highlands of Mount Kenya and Aberdare before delving into the arid landscapes of the Northern Frontier. As a grand finale, we’ll explore the iconic forests of Kakamega and embark on tranquil boat birding at Lake Victoria, seeking out the elusive papyrus species that inhabit its shores.

For birding enthusiasts seeking their next exhilarating adventure, look no further than a birding holiday in Kenya. This destination stands as the ultimate haven for bird watchers, promising an unforgettable journey through its diverse landscapes and a chance to witness its remarkable avian inhabitants in their natural glory.

Tour highlights

Four core moments you'll never forget


We invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey, encounter numerous East African endemics, like this Von der Decken’s Hornbill.


Kakamega Forest is a pristine environment offering a prime opportunity to find the charming Black-collared Apalis.


Prepare to be captivated by the extraordinary markings of the Hartlaub’s Bustard, a rare endemic species of East Africa!


Relish the resounding calls of the Yellow-and-red Barbet as you immerse yourself in the picturesque surroundings of Lake Baringo.


Meet your leader

Embarking on this extraordinary expedition is none other than the seasoned naturalist, Machiel Valkenburg. With a profound passion for photography, an innate connection to wildlife, and a reputation as a distinguished global birder, Machiel is the unrivaled leader to guide you through this remarkable birding safari.

Machiel’s commitment to delivering an exceptional experience is unwavering. His guidance will ensure that every moment of your journey is enriched with knowledge, excitement, and an unwavering dedication to the world of avian wonders. Your exploration of the vibrant birdlife of Kenya will undoubtedly be enhanced by his presence, making this expedition an unforgettable and enriching experience.

Your Kenya
grand endemic

Upon your arrival in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, a private airport transfer will be ready to greet you and transport you to your comfortable hotel within the city. Your 17-day adventure commences at this point. Once you’ve settled into the Four Points by Sheraton hotel, we will conduct a welcome briefing to provide you with an overview of the incredible journey that lies ahead.

Should you wish to arrive earlier, please feel free to contact the RBT office, where they will be more than delighted to assist you with any additional hotel reservations you may require.

NIGHT | Day 1, Sheraton Hotel, Nairobi.


Our journey kicks off with an early start as we bid farewell to Nairobi and set our course northward towards the magnificent Mt. Kenya. This marks the beginning of our quest to uncover the first of many endemic bird species on this rich and rewarding tour.

In our pursuit, we’ll venture into the realm of the rare and elusive Olive Ibis, seek out the endemic Kikuyu White-eye, admire the distinctive plumage of the White-starred Robin, and encounter the African Olive and Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeons, all unique to this region. Adding to our avian tapestry, the enchanting Silvery-cheeked Hornbills grace our path.

As night falls, we’ll be serenaded by the eerie screams of the Eastern Tree Hyrax, adding a mysterious element to our surroundings. Our accommodations for the evening are nestled within the heart of this prime birding site, offering a basic yet comfortable guesthouse that places us right at the center of the action.

NIGHT | Castle Forest Lodge, Mt Kenya

A full day of birding awaits us in the enchanting surroundings of Mt. Kenya, as we embark on a dedicated quest to uncover the magic of its avian inhabitants. Birdwatching in this forested terrain can be a rewarding challenge, and we’ve allotted ample time to ensure we encounter these special species.

Our journey will lead us to sightings of the resplendent Bar-tailed Trogon, the elusive Cinnamon Bracken Warbler, the vibrant Mountain Yellow Warbler, and the striking Waller’s Starling. We’ll also have the privilege of encountering the scarce Abbott’s Starling, the distinctive Brown-capped Weaver, and the range-restricted Kandt’s Waxbills.

As the evening descends upon us, we’ll return to our lodge for a final night’s rest, replenishing our energy before continuing our adventure to the captivating Shaba National Reserve.

NIGHT | Castle Forest Lodge, Mt Kenya


Following a splendid final morning amidst the beauty of Mt. Kenya, we hoist our sails and set a course for the captivating Shaba National Reserve and its neighboring gem, Samburu Buffalo Springs. Here, we shall dwell for a total of three nights, immersing ourselves in two full days of birding and remarkable wildlife encounters. Notably, you’ll observe a dramatic shift in habitat as we bid farewell to the lush forests of Mt. Kenya and embrace the arid embrace of acacia bush.

Our vigilant eyes will scan the landscape for a multitude of avian treasures inhabiting this unique habitat, including the Eastern Chanting and Gabar Goshawks, the distinctive Spotted Thick-knee, the elegant Somali and Three-banded Coursers, and the captivating Chestnut-bellied, Black-faced, and Lichtenstein’s Sandgrouse. We’ll also have the pleasure of spotting the vibrant Red-bellied Parrot, the White-bellied Go-away-bird, the Rufous Chatterer, and the charming Somali Bunting.

This region is a treasure trove of bird species characteristic of the arid landscapes of northeast Africa, many of which are shared with Ethiopia and Somalia. Our keen eyes will be on the lookout for the astounding Vulturine Guineafowl, the localized White-headed Mousebird, the Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill, the magnificent Golden Pipit, the Rosy-patched Bushshrike, the Chestnut Weaver, the striking Donaldson-Smith’s Sparrow-Weaver, and the ever-present Black-capped Social Weaver, which frequents the vicinity of our lodge. On the lava plains we search for Williams’s Lark. Our unwavering efforts will be dedicated to tracking down the remarkable Somali Bee-eater.

In the evening, we’ll return to our lodge, where a relaxing swim awaits in the inviting pool, providing the perfect setting to unwind and document the day’s memorable sightings.

NIGHT | Comfortable Safari Lodge, Shaba

Our journey begins with an early departure from the lodge at 6 am, as we embark on a drive to explore the southern fringe of the Dida Galgalu Desert near Marsabit. This site is a hidden gem, home to several lesser-known and restricted-range avian specialties.

In the Marsabit region, our quest will focus on several notable targets, including the magnificent Heuglin’s Bustard, the highly localized Masked Lark, and an array of species bearing the “Somali” prefix, such as the Somali Crombec, Somali Crow, Somali Courser, and Somali Sparrow. Additionally, we’ll keep a keen eye out for other fascinating species like Thekla Lark, Greater Kestrel and the striking Bristle-crowned Starling.

As we venture deeper into this unique desert landscape, the possibilities are boundless, and the birding promises to be both exciting and rewarding.

NIGHT | Basic lodge, Marsabit


In the morning, our primary focus is the search for the elusive Masked Lark, dedicating our efforts to this rare find. Later in the morning, we commence our journey southward towards Aberdares National Park. Along the way, we’ll make a special stop at a quarry, where we’ll endeavor to spot the rare Cape Eagle-Owl at its daytime roost. It’s worth noting that the local race here is sometimes classified as Mackinder’s Eagle-Owl.

Our ultimate destination for the night is a charming lodge nestled deep within the ancient cedar forests of Aberdares National Park. Here, we’ll have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the tranquility and natural beauty of this unique environment.

NIGHT | Comfortable lodge, Aberdares

As we ascend to approximately 3000 meters in altitude, our focus shifts to the elusive Aberdares Cisticola. Other potential sightings in this region include the Jackson’s Francolin and Moorland Chat. While descending the slopes of the Aberdares, we keep an eye out for forest-dwelling birds such as the vibrant Hartlaub’s Turaco and the majestic Mountain Buzzard.

Our journey then continues to the bird-rich environs of Lake Baringo. Nestled in a dry and rocky landscape adorned with acacia woodlands, this area is home to a plethora of avian treasures. Throughout our stay, we’ll explore the lakeshore, the surrounding woodlands, and the abrupt cliffs that suddenly rise to the west of the lake.

Lake Baringo offers a unique opportunity to encounter the near-endemic Jackson’s Hornbill and the range-restricted Northern Masked Weaver, which is patchily distributed. During this season, the latter breeds alongside the attractive Golden-backed Weaver by the lake’s shores. We’ll also seek out the restricted-range Hemprich’s Hornbill, known to inhabit the nearby cliffs.

As evening descends upon us, we embark on a birding adventure, with the chance to spot remarkable species such as the Three-banded (or Heuglin’s) Courser, the Slender-tailed Nightjar, the African Scops Owl, the Northern White-faced Owl, the Greyish Eagle-Owl, and the imposing Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl.

NIGHT | Comfortable lodge, Baringo


Our day begins with a captivating boat excursion across the serene expanse of Lake Baringo. This tranquil journey offers an excellent opportunity to add to our waterbird checklist. Among the avian wonders we’re likely to encounter are the majestic Goliath Heron, the brilliantly adorned Pied and Malachite Kingfishers, and the photogenic African Fish Eagles, soaring gracefully overhead. Along the lake’s shores, we’ll witness the bustling colonies of weavers, including Little, Village, and Golden-backed Weavers, hard at work on their nests. Above, the African Black Swifts share the skies with their Nyanza counterparts, and the smart Pygmy Batis and the aptly named Beautiful Sunbirds grace us with their presence.

In the afternoon, we return to the cliffs, ensuring we’ve had every opportunity to spot any species we might have missed earlier in the day. It’s a comprehensive and rewarding day of birdwatching in the stunning Lake Baringo region.

NIGHT | Comfortable lodge, Baringo

Before breakfast, we take some time to explore the birdlife around Baringo, adding to our sightings for the day. As our journey continues, we set our sights on Kakamega. In the picturesque Kerio Valley, our hopes are high for encounters with the distinctive Stripe-breasted Seedeater and the vibrant Meyer’s Parrot. We have carefully selected prime locations where we’ve staked out the elusive Double-toothed Barbet and the striking White-crested Turaco.

Upon reaching our delightful lodge nestled within the heart of Kakamega Forest, we embark on our first walk through this central African rainforest. Here, we are welcomed by a wealth of new avian species, each adding to the enchantment of our journey.

NIGHT | Rondo Retreat, Kakamega forest


We are in for two full days of awe-inspiring forest birding, with a wealth of avian wonders waiting to be discovered. Even a short walk in the garden of our lodge promises remarkable sightings, including the regal Crowned Eagle, the elusive White-spotted Flufftail, the charismatic Jameson’s Wattle-eye, and the striking Mackinnon’s Shrike.

One of our primary targets, the incredible Blue-headed Bee-eater, is a specialist of the lowland rainforest and a true gem to behold. During our trail walks, we’ll have the privilege of encountering the colossal Great Blue and Black-billed Turacos, the vibrant Blue Malkoha, the enchanting Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat, and the captivating African Broadbill.

As we venture along the main road, our keen eyes will spot the Hairy-breasted Barbets, along with a diverse selection of Greenbuls. Additionally, the Uganda Woodland Warbler, often more accessible here than in Uganda, graces us with its presence.

These two days promise a truly immersive experience in the heart of Kakamega Forest, offering an abundance of birdwatching delights.

NIGHT | Rondo Retreat, Kakamega

Our morning is dedicated to a final birding session in the enchanting Kakamega Forest, ensuring we’ve had every opportunity to spot any species we might have missed. After a satisfying lunch, we bid our farewells to this remarkable forest and make our way to Kisumu, where our focus will shift to the papyrus species on the following day.

NIGHT | Comfortable tourist hotel, Kisumu


Our morning begins with a delightful early bird walk in the picturesque Dunga Swamps, focusing on the unique papyrus habitat. Here, we have the exciting opportunity to spot an array of remarkable species, including the Swamp Flycatcher, the charming Papyrus Yellow Warbler, the vibrant Papyrus Canary, and the striking Papyrus Gonolek. Additional avian treasures in this habitat may include the White-winged Warbler, the Blue-headed Coucal, and, if we’re fortunate, even more sightings of the captivating Blue-breasted Bee-eaters.

In the afternoon, we set our course for the world-renowned grasslands of Masai Mara, where the final days of our adventure await, promising unforgettable wildlife encounters and birdwatching experiences.

NIGHT | Osero Sopia River Camp, MASAI MARA

Next tour
30 March - 15 April, 2024

Cost | $ T.B.A.
Single supplement | $ T.B.A.
Deposit | $1000
Group size | minimum 4 and maximum 8
Availability | Spaces
Leader | Machiel Valkenburg

Upcoming tours

30 March – 15 April, 2025 | Spaces



Elevate your birding experience by seamlessly combining this tour with our endemic-rich Kenyan coastal expedition. This strategic pairing provides the ideal opportunity to embark on a comprehensive birding journey, offering you a chance to observe and appreciate the majority of Kenya’s unique endemic avian treasures.

With this fusion, we introduce sought-after species such as the elusive Sokoke Scops-Owl, the vibrant Clark’s Weaver, the exquisite Amani Sunbird, and the remarkable Taita Hills endemics, which include the Taita Apalis, Taita Thrush, and Taita White-eye.

This integrated adventure promises an immersive dive into Kenya’s diverse birdlife, ensuring you maximize your birdwatching experience while capturing the essence of the country’s rich avian tapestry.

Click here for more information about our exciting extension!


What’s Included?

Expert English-speaking Rubythroat leader
All accommodations
All full-board meals
All land transfers by Landcruiser jeeps
One sundowner at Masai Mara
Visa support

What’s Excluded?

International flight to/from Kenya.
Personal expenses; laundry, telephone costs etc.
Alcoholic drinks.
Extra rooming not mentioned in the itinerary.
Meals on day one.
Single room supplement.


Buff-crested Bustard


Vulturine Guineafowl


Yellow-necked Spurfowl


Luhder´s Bush-Shrike

Ready for your next adventure?

Reserve your spot on our Classic Birding Expedition to Kenya now