
Embark on a visual odyssey like no other as you join our bird and wildlife photography tour to Kenya. A paradise for photographers, Kenya unveils a panorama of opportunities to capture nature’s finest moments in their untouched glory. Immerse yourself in an adventure that will leave your memory cards brimming with captivating images and your heart filled with unforgettable memories.

Kenya’s tapestry of biodiversity unfolds before your lens, showcasing a kaleidoscope of species that includes the regal lions, elusive leopards, graceful elephants, majestic giraffes, and the iconic zebras. And let us not forget the avian wonders – over 1,000 species of birds grace this land, each a photographic gem waiting to be immortalized.

Whether you wield your camera with the finesse of a seasoned professional or are an amateur with a passion for capturing nature’s moments, our bird and wildlife photography tours to Kenya are tailored to cater to your skill level. We understand the art of capturing life through a lens, and our tours are designed to provide you with optimal angles, lighting, and surroundings to compose images that resonate with the soul.

Unleash your creativity, sharpen your skills, and create a visual masterpiece that echoes the vibrant spirit of Kenya’s wildlife and birdlife. Begin your journey towards this unparalleled photography adventure – reach out to us today and let the planning of your dream photography expedition in Kenya begin.

Tour highlights

Four core moments you'll never forget


A BWAC tour has a more leisurely pace, participants come together to concentrate on capturing images of the avian wonders they encounter.


The White-bellied Go-Away-Bird, a true East African endemic, is not only stunning in appearance but also a common sight at Lake Baringo


Also, at Lake Baringo we have staked out several day-roosting owls; incl. Verreaux´s and Grayish Eagle-Owl, and Northern White-faced Scops-Owl


We allocate more time to capture images of the widespread and visually striking African species, such as the elegant White-throated Bee-eater.


Meet your leader

Meet your expedition leader, Machiel Valkenburg: an accomplished wildlife photographer, seasoned wildlife guide, and a global birder. With expertise in birding across the Old World, particularly Africa and Central Asia, Machiel is your ultimate companion for an extraordinary birding safari. Trust in his exceptional leadership to ensure you have the finest experience imaginable.

Your Ultimate Kenya
Photography Itinerary

Your adventure begins with your arrival in Nairobi. Upon landing, a private airport transfer will whisk you away to your hotel. After settling in, you will have the opportunity to meet with our tour leader, who will guide you through a comprehensive tour briefing. This briefing will provide you with valuable insights into the upcoming journey.

Following the tour briefing, we invite you to join us for a delightful dinner at the hotel, where you can get to know your fellow travelers and build camaraderie.

For your overnight stay, you’ll be accommodated in a comfortable tourist hotel, ensuring you start your journey well-rested and ready for the exciting experiences ahead.

NIGHT | Day 1, Comfortable tourist hotel, Nairobi.


On this second day, we embark on a full-day adventure photographing the captivating wildlife and avifauna within the beautiful Nairobi National Park, located near the grand city of Nairobi. Within the park’s boundaries, you’ll discover a diverse landscape comprising lush forests, riparian woodlands, expansive savannah bushes, and vast grasslands.

The birdlife here is truly remarkable, featuring majestic raptors such as the African Crowned Eagle, Bateleur, Augur Buzzard, and the fascinating Secretarybirds. Alongside the roads, you’ll spot charming Petit Little Bee-eaters, while White-bellied Bustards elegantly strut across the grassy plains. The park also hosts a multitude of small passerines, including cisticolas, crombecs, and estrildid finches.

But that’s not all; Nairobi National Park is also home to an array of impressive mammals, including the iconic White Rhino, regal Lions, graceful Masai Giraffes, and the formidable Cape Buffalo.

As the day draws to a close, we return to our comfortable guesthouse in Nairobi to relax and prepare for more exciting adventures to come.

NIGHT | Comfortable tourist hotel, Nairobi.

Today, we embark on a scenic journey by car as we head towards the breathtaking Masai Mara. Along the way, we’ll make picturesque stops at the top of the escarpment, offering panoramic views of the immense Great Rift Valley that divides the African continent. This captivating landscape will leave you in awe.

Upon our arrival in the park, the excitement will escalate rapidly as we encounter numerous new wildlife sightings and experience close encounters with a wide variety of magnificent mammals. We’ll reach our destination in time for a satisfying lunch, allowing us to refuel for the adventures ahead.

In the extended gardens of our lodge, we’ll indulge in birdwatching and photography, keeping our eyes peeled for remarkable species such as the Coqui Francolin, Von der Decken’s Hornbill, Silverbird, and Hildebrandt’s Starling. Our luxurious tented camp offers multiple bird photography hides, promising plenty of action and opportunities to capture stunning shots of Rollers, Bee-eaters, Kingfishers, Hornbills, and Woodpeckers.

As the afternoon unfolds, we embark on our first safari, focusing on the abundant wildlife that calls the Masai Mara home. Expect to encounter massive Hippopotamuses, graceful Maasai Giraffes, agile Black-backed Jackals, elegant Thompson’s Gazelles, and numerous Topis. We keep a keen eye out for the majestic cats, including Leopards, Cheetahs, and groups of Lions.

At 6 pm, we return to our lodge, coinciding with the official park closing time. In the hotel’s garden, we may have the chance to engage in more birdwatching, with the hope of spotting a Verraux Eagle Owl before we retire for the night.

NIGHT | Osero Sopia River Camp, Masai Mara.


Over the next two days, we immerse ourselves in the extraordinary beauty of the Masai Mara, spending full days dedicated to both birdwatching and game viewing in the vast expanses of this untamed wilderness. Often referred to as the wildest place on earth, the Masai Mara promises thrilling surprises at every turn.

One of our notable bird sightings includes the Schalow’s Turaco, which we have carefully staked out. During our drives, we may encounter groups of foraging Southern Ground-Hornbills, a sight to behold. Our birdwatching adventures may also reward us with sightings of Grey-crowned Cranes, Temminck’s Courser, Red-necked Spurfowl, and if luck is on our side, the Yellow-necked Spurfowl—an endemic species to northeastern Africa.

The grasslands of Masai Mara are home to a vibrant array of tropical, multicolored birds that will graciously pose for our cameras. Keep an eye out for stunning species like the Superb Starling, iconic Yellow-billed Oxpeckers, the melodious Cape Robin-Chat, the radiant Scarlet-chested Sunbird, and the petite Quilfinch.

As we explore this remarkable landscape, we remain ever vigilant, ready to capture the unexpected moments that make the Masai Mara an unforgettable destination for both bird enthusiasts and wildlife aficionados.

In addition to the diverse avian life, the Masai Mara boasts a rich and varied range of mammals, spanning a spectrum from small to enormous in size. During our time in this extraordinary wilderness, you can anticipate encounters with an exceptional array of wildlife.

High density of remarkable mammals, along with the other wildlife previously mentioned, contribute to the Masai Mara’s status as a prime destination for both wildlife enthusiasts and photographers seeking to capture the essence of Africa’s untamed beauty.

NIGHT | Osero Sopia River Camp, Masai Mara.

Today’s journey carries us away from the expansive grassland savannahs of the Masai Mara, leading us into the enchanting and diverse region surrounding Lake Baringo. Our day begins with an invigorating short safari before breakfast, an opportune moment for early wildlife sightings.

As we bid adieu to the unique landscapes of the Masai Mara, our course is set for the shores of Lake Baringo. This lake is renowned not only for its stunning avian inhabitants but also for its dramatic cliffs that beckon us to explore. In the afternoon, our attention turns to birding, and we venture to the celebrated cliffs in pursuit of elusive species like Hemprich’s Hornbill, the visually striking Bristle-crowned Starling, and the majestic Verreaux’s Eagle—a true giant among Africa’s raptors.

With the setting sun casting a warm and golden glow, ideal for images, we prepare ourselves for an evening filled with thrilling adventures. Just before dawn, under the breathtaking African skies, we embark on a walk to track down elusive nocturnal birds. Among our targets are the Three-banded Courser, the elusive Slender-tailed Nightjar, the enigmatic Greyish Eagle Owl, and the captivating Northern White-faced Owl. This intimate experience allows us to witness the magic of the African night in all its splendor.

Our journey to Lake Baringo not only promises a diverse array of birdlife but also unveils a rich tapestry of natural wonders and wildlife encounters.

NIGHT | Comfortable tourist hotel on the shores of Lake Baringo


Our seventh day begins with an early start as we embark on a full day dedicated to capturing the beauty of Lake Baringo through our lenses. Our day’s adventure commences with a captivating 4-hour boat trip, focusing on the smaller bird species that inhabit the lake’s shores.

As we glide along the tranquil waters, we’ll be treated to a symphony of chattering weavers, with the elusive Little Weaver being the rarest among them. The iconic African Fish Eagles, with their majestic presence, are a common sight and often grace us with their close flybys. The magnificent Goliath Herons, with their impressive stature, provide splendid photo opportunities that are not to be missed. Our journey continues as we leisurely observe and photograph the dazzling Malachite Kingfishers, renowned for their striking colors, and the Northern Carmine Bee-eaters, which add vibrant hues to the landscape.

In the serene ambiance of our hotel’s garden, we discover a variety of bird species, each a testament to the region’s rich avian diversity. Among our findings are the White-bellied go-Away-Bird, the resplendent Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird, and the enchanting Green-winged Pitilia. These encounters in the lush garden offer further opportunities to capture the vibrant beauty of Lake Baringo’s avian inhabitants.

Throughout this day of immersive bird photography, we are treated to a visual feast of Lake Baringo’s natural wonders, from its bird-filled shores to its tranquil waters. This experience promises to be a true delight for both avid photographers and nature enthusiasts alike.

NIGHT | Comfortable tourist hotel on the shores of Lake Baringo

Leaving behind the serene shores of Lake Baringo, our expedition continues towards the renowned Lake Nakuru. This extraordinary lake is celebrated for its splendid gatherings of flamingos, pelicans, and a myriad of other shorebirds. As we delve into the enchanting Acacia woodlands and explore the marshes along the lakeside, we enter a world where avian wonders abound.

Picture the scene: Great White Pelicans gracefully glide across the waters, their impressive wingspans casting reflections on the surface. Along the shoreline, African Spoonbills, with their distinct spoon-shaped bills and reddish face, engage in their elegant foraging dance. Venturing further into this avian paradise, we encounter the charming Hildebrandt’s Francolin, hidden among the grassy habitats. Overhead, Grey-headed Gulls circle gracefully, adding to the tapestry of birdlife. As we meander through the woodlands, we come across a wealth of distinctive species: the Broad-billed Roller, with its vibrant plumage and aerial acrobatics; the Levaillant’s Cuckoo, known for its enchanting call; and the elusive White-browed Coucal, a master of concealment in the dense vegetation.

In the treetops, Green Woodhoopoes move in captivating family groups, displaying their vibrant colors against the lush foliage. Meanwhile, the rhythmic drumming of Grey Woodpeckers resonates through the forest as they seek out hidden insect treasures. Among the tree canopies, Black Cuckoo-shrikes and their calls filling the air. Nearby, the Northern Anteater-chat makes its appearance, perching gracefully on termite mounds. In the grasslands, the Grey-backed Fiscal, a skilled predator, impales its prey on thorns as part of its dining ritual. And let’s not forget the striking Brown-crowned Tchagra, with its distinctive calls and captivating plumage.

Yet, our journey doesn’t stop here. Beyond the shores and woodlands, we delve deeper into the realm of nature’s wonders. In the company of expert guides, we seek out elusive treasures such as the Narina Trogon, the striking Red-throated Wryneck, Greater and Scaly-throated Honeyguides, and the communal Arrow-marked Babbler.

Lake Nakuru offers not just a visual feast of avian and wildlife diversity but also an immersive experience in the heart of Africa’s natural wonders. It’s a place where every moment holds the promise of discovery, and the warm African light bathes it all in a golden glow, making this adventure an unforgettable odyssey.

NIGHT | Comfortable tourist hotel, Lake Nakuru


As our expedition pushes northward, we embark on an unforgettable adventure into the heart of the Samburu National Reserve, a jewel within Kenya’s rugged Northern Frontier. This remarkable land of exploration beckons with its unique blend of nomadic herdsmen, a diverse array of wildlife, both grand and petite, and an astonishing array of avian wonders. Here, in the heart of Samburu, a hidden treasure trove of birdlife awaits discovery. Little-known species hailing from the Somali sub-region have found sanctuary along the dry watercourses, while enigmatic mountain ranges rise majestically above the arid plains, their secrets yet to be fully unveiled.

What sets Samburu apart in the realm of African birding is its semi-arid bush, a thriving ecosystem that boasts an extraordinary abundance of bird species. Amidst this remarkable landscape, typical acacia-bush species thrive, offering eager birdwatchers a spectacle that is nothing short of extraordinary. It’s not uncommon to spot over a hundred bird species in a single day.

Our days in Samburu Buffalo Springs unfold with thrilling encounters and sightings. We may have the privilege of witnessing the Eastern Chanting-Goshawk soaring over. Crested Francolins scurry gracefully across the landscape. As we explore further, the Buff-crested Bustard, a charismatic species, may make its appearance, strutting confidently in its arid domain. Black-faced and Lichtenstein´s Sandgrouse come for a sip at a nearby waterhole while the striking Abyssinian Scimitarbill, and the iconic Eastern Yellow-billed and Von der Decken’s Hornbills are all part of the avian cast that paints this landscape with vivid colors. Venturing into the woodlands, we may encounter the Nubian Woodpecker and Taita Fiscal.

The Slate-colored Boubou, known for its enchanting calls, may serenade us as we traverse the landscape. The Somali Crombec, a tiny marvel, flits among the bushes and Rufous Chatterers might regale us with their social and chatty behavior, while the Foxy Lark may grace us with its elegance. In the midst of this avian symphony, we can pause to admire Parrot-billed and Chestnut Sparrows, each contributing to the rich tapestry of life in Samburu.

As we journey deeper into this captivating landscape, we have the opportunity to seek out rarities and gems, including the vibrant Red-bellied Parrot, the distinctive White-headed Mousebird, and the elusive Somali Bee-eater. The Rosy-patched Bushshrike adds vibrant hues to the canvas, while the Golden-breasted, Fischer’s, and Magpie Starlings bring their elegance to the scene. The Pink-breasted Lark adds a subtle touch of beauty, and the elegant Golden Pipit becomes a sought-after gem. The Donaldson-Smith’s Sparrow-Weaver, with its distinctive appearance, and the Black-capped Social-Weaver, known for its intricate communal nests, are among the other treasures awaiting our discovery.

Yet, our journey doesn’t end with the avian wonders alone. Samburu is a realm where nature’s riches abound, and we have the chance to encounter unique mammals that thrive in this semi-arid landscape. The endangered Gravy’s Zebra, the largest of the wild horses, commands attention with its distinctive stripes. Reticulated Giraffes, with their striking patterns, grace the landscape. The Beisa Oryx, adapted to the arid environment, is a unique mammal in these arid lands. The strange and graceful Gerenuk, often referred to as the “giraffe-antelope,” may be glimpsed, and the diminutive Dik-dik, among the smallest of antelope species, adds charm to our encounters. Elephants are a frequent sight, their majestic presence enhancing the sense of awe in these lands. And here, in Samburu, we are in one of the best places in Kenya to encounter the elusive leopard, the most secretive of the large predators.

In the embrace of Samburu Buffalo Springs, our days promise an immersive blend of birdwatching and wildlife encounters. It’s an opportunity to lose ourselves in the enchanting landscapes of the Northern Frontier, where every moment is a discovery, and the golden African light bathes it all in a warm and unforgettable glow.

NIGHT | Sopa Samburu Lodge, Buffalo Springs

As the sun begins its ascent on this day of adventure, we kickstart our morning with a small safari before breakfast, capturing the essence of the Samburu Buffalo Springs one last time. With hearts full of cherished memories, we bid adieu to our campsite and embark on a journey back to Nairobi.

While the road stretches ahead on this homeward bound expedition, we have one last avian gem to discover. A special stop is planned along the way, where we seek the elusive Hinde’s Babbler, a species found nowhere else but in this region. It’s a testament to the uniqueness of this journey. As the day gently transitions into late afternoon, we find ourselves once again in Nairobi, the vibrant capital of Kenya. Here, we have a delightful dinner planned in the heart of the city, a fitting finale to our adventure. With satisfied appetites and hearts warmed by the camaraderie forged on this remarkable journey, we make arrangements for private airport transfers.

Nairobi’s international airport serves as our gateway to the world, and many flights connecting to Europe are scheduled for the late evening. It’s a journey that has enriched our lives and left us with a longing for more adventures in the heart of the wild. Until we meet again under the African skies, farewell and safe travels!

NIGHT | Comfortable tourist hotel, Nairobi

Next tour
No departure scheduled

Cost | $ T.B.A
Single supplement | $ T.B.A.
Deposit | $1000
Group size | minimum 4 and maximum 8
Availability | Spaces
Leader | Machiel Valkenburg

Upcoming tours

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What is a birding-with-a-camera type expedition?

Our “birding-with-a-camera” expedition is a specialized wildlife adventure designed for birding enthusiasts who are also passionate about photography. In our expedition, participants focus on observing, identifying, and, importantly, dedicating ample time to photographing the various bird species encountered. The itinerary is thoughtfully crafted to provide extended opportunities for photography, going beyond mere observation.Participants use their cameras to capture exquisite images of birds. It’s a harmonious blend of birdwatching and photography, permitting enthusiasts to unite their appreciation for birds with their talent for capturing their beauty.

Rubythroat experienced photo guides lead these expeditions, offering profound insights into bird behavior, habitats, and photography techniques. It’s an enriching experience that allows participants to create lasting memories and a stunning visual record of their birding adventure.


What’s Included?

Expert English-speaking Rubythroat leader
All accommodations
All full-board meals
All land transfers by Landcruiser jeeps
Bean bags for use in the jeeps
One sundowner at Masai Mara
Visa support

What’s Excluded?

International flight to/from Kenya.
Personal expenses; laundry, telephone costs etc.
Alcoholic drinks.
Extra rooming not mentioned in the itinerary.
Meals on day one.
Single room supplement.


Taita Fiscal


Grey-headed Bush-Shrike


African Lion


Somali Ostrich

Ready for your next adventure?

Reserve your spot on our Classic Birding Expedition to Kenya now